Girls ages are as of 12/31/2023. Registration will place you in the proper age group.
Wee ball: Age 4. $85. This is a Coed league for girls and boys. All players will hit off a tee and begin to learn the basics of the game. Any practices during the season will be determined by the individual coach. This age does not attend tryouts.
Tee ball: Age 5 and 6 (one game per week). $135. Players are provided the opportunity to hit off the coaches' pitch; however, they will receive the opportunity to hit off the tee if they are not successful off the pitch. Any practices during the season will be determined by the individual coach. This age does not attend tryouts.
Coach Pitch: Age 7 and 8 (two games per week). $135. Hitting will take place off the coaches pitch. Any practices during the season will be determined by the individual coach. These workouts help provide for an equitable distribution of players on teams. Any child not attending the workout will be randomly placed on a team. ALL REGISTERED PLAYERS WILL BE PLACED ON A TEAM
Little League: Ages 9 - 12 (two games per week). $135. Hitting will take place off the opposing players pitch. Any practices during the season will be determined by the individual coach. If there is enough participation, then players will be divided into two divisions, minor and major league.
Junior League: Ages 12 - 14 (one game per week on Fridays to avoid middle school games). $135. Hitting will take place off the opposing players pitch. Any practices during the season will be determined by the individual coach.